Barleti Institute for Research and Development, as a research Institute funded by Barleti University, along with lead partner Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy and project partners: ENEA – Agenzia Nazionale per le NuoveTecnologie, l’Energia e lo SviluppoEconomicoSostenibile (IT), DistrettoTecnologico Nazionale sull’EnergiaScarl (IT), Comune di Agnone (IT), JavnaustanovaUniverzitetCrne Gore has successfully concluded REEHUB, a major EU funded project on transforming public buildings from old to energy efficient.
The Project was implemented in three countries: Albania, Italy and Montenegro. As part of Interreg IPA Program CBC, REEHUB (Regional Energy Efficiency HUB) aimed at increasing energy efficiency of public buildings inside the Program area, through a network of hubs, that would allow for the training of building managers on energy-efficiency measures.
Moreover, the project also created venues where all the stakeholders involved can now easily find tangible examples on how citizens can learn about the principles of circular economy, thus becoming potential contributors to a sustainable growth.
As an important part of the Project’s success, Barleti Institute for Research and Development recognizes the Albanian Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy’s leadership throughout the implementation of this groundbreaking project.
REEHUB was concluded with a final event on September 11th, on the Perspectives of the Regional Energy Efficiency Hubs.
“Barleti Institute For Research and Development is proud to have shared this experience with all the partners and is sure that this successful partnership will lead to another evaluation as Best Practice of Reehub Plus Project.